Lionell Guzman
graphic & motion designer

Lionell Guzman
graphic designer, illustrator & animator

01 Psych Blues Film
02 Big Cartel
03 Brain Dings
04 Victoria HK
05 Chez Boris
06 Target
07 Stop DWI
08 NYU / NSC
09 Dropbox
10 Column Five

11 Smaller Projects
12 The Moving Co

I was approached by the agency Mythology to work on a few animations for their client Target. It was meant to be posted in their Instagram TV social media for the “back to school” season.

They sent over boxes full of in-store products for me to work with. I went with a real life stop motion approach and edited it in After Effects.

Illustration: Lionell Guzman
Animation: Lionell Guzman
Producer: Deanna Leodas
Camera Opperator: Dustin Adams
Agency: Mythology


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